Blood Thinners: Risks and Benefits

Blood Thinners: Risks and Benefits

Today, many seniors take anticoagulants which keep blood “thin” thus preventing clots that may lead to coronary artery disease, deep vein thrombosis, a stroke or a heart attack or complications following some surgeries.  In reality, anti-coagulants do not actually...
Elder Orphans

Elder Orphans

Elder Orphans are those individuals who are widowed or not married, live alone and have no family (or none they can count on.) They are going through the last years of their lives on their own. Everything can be just fine until something like declining health happens...
The Sudden Caregiver

The Sudden Caregiver

Even if you knew that “someday” you may be responsible for a loved one, you probably assumed you would have time to grow into the role and gradually assume responsibilities over time.  But sometimes life has surprises, and you are thrust suddenly into the role of...